Common Types Of Car Accident Injuries: How Car Accident Lawyers Assist Clients

Car accidents are a common phenomenon all around the globe, and they have a profound effect on victims’ lives as they may suffer various injuries. Depending on the nature of the accident, the possible injuries include whiplash, soft tissue damage, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.
During such times, car accident attorneys stand as the only hope to assist the affected individuals in wading through the legal procedures and ensure they are compensated fairly. If you find a San Francisco car accident lawyer, this article discusses the common types of car accident injuries, the consequences that result from such incidences, as well as how professional attorneys help the victims regain their health, mental stability, and recover damages.
Common Types of Car Accident Injuries
Whiplash and Broken Bones
The most common car accident injury is whiplash, which occurs when the head is suddenly and violently thrown backward and then forward, straining the neck muscles and ligaments. Whiplash is typical in rear-end impacts but can happen in any crash with a sudden stop or jerk.
It is also important to note that fractures are not confined to a particular body area. The extent of the fracture may vary depending on the area hit and the relative speed of the two cars involved. Fractures are classified as simple, where the bone is set in a cast, or complex, where surgery and rigorous physiotherapy are needed.
Head Injuries and Spinal Cord Injuries
Examples of head injuries include concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which are frequent in car accidents due to the head impact on the steering wheel or windshield. Mild concussions can also have long-term consequences on the brain, while severe cases of TBI can lead to long-term physical disability.
Spinal cord damage can lead to temporary or permanent loss of functioning and sensation in the areas of the body below the area of injury, a condition known as paralysis, which may be partial or full. Spinal cord injury is grave and has massive implications for the affected person and their family, as well as the requirement for constant treatment.
Internal Injuries
Lumbar impacts from the car accident can lead to internal complications such as damage to internal organs, internal hemorrhaging, or punctured lungs. These injuries may not be easily noticed, leading to further complications if not treated accordingly.
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How Car Accident Lawyers Assist Clients
Car accident lawyers are of great help to the victims since they help them file claims and other legal procedures. They tell their clients the legal procedures they are entitled to and what may happen to them, thus preparing them for what is coming.
When representing their clients, San Francisco car accident lawyers ensure they seek proof to help them win the case. These may include getting police reports, interviewing witnesses, and collecting medical records of the injuries.
Insurance companies, for instance, are always reducing payouts or even rejecting claims. Car accident lawyers engage the insurance companies on behalf of their clients to secure adequate compensation for medical bills, lost earnings, and physical and emotional discomfort.
There are several types of injuries that can occur in a car accident, and for this reason, you should seek the services of car accident lawyers. If you find San Francisco car accident lawyers, they will fight for your rights and ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to.